Happy New Year to you all!! May 2019 be a year full of adventure and may we reach our goals and work toward achieving our dreams.
After a lovely festive season it is almost unreal to say the word J-a-n-u-a-r-y. Last year flew by and for some of us it was a rollercoaster year, it certainly was a mixture of ups and downs for me. I learned a lot about myself and realised that I am capable of exceeding my expectations. Staring reality in the face is daunting, but oh, the feeling when you start to take back what is yours, against all odds, and realise there is fight left in you.
I love reflecting on the past year, but it is time to learn from our mistakes, celebrate our achievements, move forward and focus on the future.
I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for all your kind and amazing messages of encouragement and support after posting my previous blog. The response was overwhelming! I am super excited to take you along on my journey to Everest Base Camp.
This is more than a trek though. There are two causes that have always been close to my heart; to help woman gain back their purpose and to help less fortunate children.
A few years ago, I had the privilege to be part of a team of woman who empowered/ encouraged other woman to follow their dreams and to believe in themselves again. There is a lot of hurt in our world today – woman in abusive relationships, broken marriages, complicated relationships, women who juggle work and family-life and woman who are stay-home mums who feel they have lost their value. I saw first-hand how women respond the minute they realise that they are valued and loved, and the impact that can have on their families and communities.
I spent some time in Africa with very poor communities of different cultures and to see children suffer, not having the means to get to school or not being able to afford a good education, breaks my heart.
It is amazing to know there are individuals and companies out there who feel the same.
The company I will be trekking Everest Base Camp with is called Travel Her Way, and I couldn’t have chosen a better company as their mission is so close to my heart!! If you have read the section “Waterworks at the Pool” in my blog introduction, this is why I cried uncontrollably next to the pool that day – my bucket list dream and passion for helping woman and children all in one. Here is a little snippet of what they are about – written by CEO and founder Jodi Wei. She started a female-led initiative that gives women the opportunity to travel with other like-minded female adventures to discover the world through trekking visits.
Our mission is to connect women through group adventure travel and provide sustainable tourism by giving back to the communities we travel to. We don’t just sightsee - we touch, feel, and taste, too. The foundation of Travel Her Way is simple: when you travel, you cast your fate and discover who you are. We provide detailed itineraries to extraordinary places to help women become an adventuress.
Care Her Way is Travel Her Way's charity program. We have launched a series of charity projects to give back to local communities. To highlight a few - For every group trek that we bring to Nepal, we will cover a year's worth of education for one child. For our newly-launched Machu Picchu trek, we have partnered with a sustainable local tour operator to launch a charity trek which will be using women guides and porters throughout the journey.
Here are a few links if you would like to have more information:
· About Us: https://www.travelherway.com/who-we-are
· Care Her Way: https://www.travelherway.com/care-her-way
· Her Travel Story (adventuresses' stories): https://www.travelherway.com/her-travel-story/
· Press: https://www.travelherway.com/press
Please go to the links above and check out Travel Her Way's website and like the Facebook page. I am very privilege to go on this journey with them.
That being said – it is still a long journey ahead for me – preparing my body for this ultimate challenge and also preparing mentally. Christmas was a very relaxed time, so I am back doing Bootcamp with Dan and swimming two days a week. I still go for my weekly Physiotherapy to strengthen my calf and hamstring muscle injury. I am also seeing a cardiologist in the next few weeks regarding POTS. Hopefully that will sort my dizziness, especially during training.
In my upcoming blogs I will share more about my trip to Everest Base Camp and my preparation, talk about how important it is to place strategic people in your life when you want to achieve a goal or grow and introduce mine to you.