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Chapter 1: The scale does not lie!

After Saturday's ugly-cry at Jamie's swimming lesson when I had a 'moment' and realised I want to do something I've been dreaming about since I was very young, I approached a friend of mine who agreed to join me on my journey, weighing and measuring me once a week.

Today I had my first weigh-in. I won't lie, it was a bit of a shocker knowing where I should be. 17 year ago, I lost 15kg and to see myself slowly but surely gaining that weight again is so disheartening but it is the first step towards my ultimate goal. I am determined to get my weight back on track. Well the scale has spoken and here are my results: My goal: 60kg (lose 7.4kg) Weight: 67.4kg BMI: 25.3 Body Fat (kg): 23.7kg

Fed up with how her diet is going, Janettie takes a more serious aim at her target weight.

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